Read about our transformative work with organizations of various sizes and industries.

  • Lending Tree Foundation

    The LendingTree Foundation wanted to allow its employees to learn more about domestic violence.

  • YWCA-Evanston/North Shore

    The Domestic Violence Department of the YWCA-ENS hired Courageous SHIFT to facilitate two workshops to address internal concerns and challenges.

  • Humanity Communications Collective

    Humanity Communications Collective (HCC) hired Courageous SHIFT in response to an employee sharing they were experiencing intimate partner violence, which impacted the employee's work.

  • The Network-Advocating Against Domestic Violence

    Throughout the year, The Network-Advocating Against Domestic Violence in Chicago, Illinois, provides its members with in-depth learning and skill-building opportunities. Courageous SHIFT has had the pleasure of participating two years in a row.

  • Troop HR

    Stay Tuned!

  • Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence

    Stay Tuned!

  • 100% of attendees found the content useful and learned something new.

    Client Series

  • 100% of attendees would recommend this workshop to colleagues outside of their organization.

    Client Series

  • "This presentation had helped me do some deep self evaluation"


  • "It was amazing! You have truly motivated me to rethink my personality regarding the workplace and how I present myself."


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